June 2, 2009
So, got some pics of the Detroit buildings from the river. You will see Government Motors. Also, if you look closely at the Hart Plaza pic, you can see Compuware up the street. Mitch will recognize the top pic as the Riverside Apartments that we looked at. Sun was setting, and pics were hard to get to turn out. I have since discovered Aperature Control on the camera, so maybe the next time things will work out.
Had a nice chat with Linda Wright while in Lake St. Clair. Hated to turn down her offer of a dock and a meal, but Ziggy wanted to push on. Besides, we're not real familiar with that part of the lake, and it looked mighty shallow off St. Clair Shores.
There's a long, straight outbound channel leading to Lake Erie from the Detroit River. Red and green lights - all you have to do is stay between them. Until you run out of land. Then there's a plethora of lights and buoys marking inbound and outbound shipping lanes. I knew I was outside of the channel when the depth gauge went to 20 feet. Woke Ziggy up and powered down. While he was trying to figure out where we were, an unlit green buoy sauntered along about four feet off our port side. Also, that big building right ahead of us turned out to be a ship of some kind (Yo! Big guy! Navigation lights, pleeaazzee!) crossing our path to get into the inbound channel.
Motored all the way to Put-In-Bay on the Ohio side of Lake Erie. Got in at 4:30 am. So, for one day we went from Port Sanilac, MI to Put-In-Bay in Ohio. 19 hours straight.
Hi Dave, Glad to see the pixs of Port Huron and Put-In-Bay. There are some great restaurants on Put-in-Bay, hope you got to have a nice dinner. You really made great time. Sorry we didn't get a chance to see you, but glad you are doing great. It was so cold here last night the furnace went on. Looks like it will be getting a bit warmer. You and the crew are probably tired of the winter coats. Love the blog, keep it up, we are really enjoying it. Good luck to you and happy sailing. Linda and Carl