Sunday, May 31 9:30 am
“Well I woke up Sunday morning with no way to hold my head that didn’t hurt.
And the beer I had for breakfast wasn’t bad, so I had one more for dessert.
Then I fumbled through my closet for my clothes and found my cleanest dirty shirt.
An’ I shaved my face and combed my hair, an’ stumbled down the stairs to meet the day.”
That, friends, is the first verse of a song called “Sunday Morning Coming Down” written by Kris Kristofferson back in 1970 or thereabouts. You can find it on the album “Silver Tongued Devil and I” which is one of the all-time great albums. Kristofferson, for you young’ns, is not just the old guy helping out Wesley Snipes in the “Blade” movies. He is arguably one of our greatest living songwriters. Ever hear “Me and Bobby Magee”?
Anyway, the verse above pretty much describes me this am.
Some glitch on the home front prevented Ziggy and Eve from coming last night, so I went to Uri’s, a nice establishment fronting the harbor here in Port Sanilac. Sat down at the bar next to a coupla’ guys named Ed and Art. We talked fishing, zebra mussels, bachelorette parties, diving, the merits of sailing vs. powerboating, the Wings (won 3-1; we completely missed the last goal), and life in general. At one point Art and I were hitting Ed over the head with our ball caps. I forget what that was all about. Had to leave at one point to go down to Pleiades and close the forward hatch and turn on the heater. Port Sanilac was expected to set a new low temperature of about 35 degrees last night and I didn’t want to come home to a cold boat.
Well, the Wings finally won and I stumbled down to the docks. At some point it occurred to me that, y’know, this could be dangerous. Three-foot wide docks, wind blowing like a banshee, the boat heaving – yeah, bring it on. The wind was on our starboard beam and pushing the boat right up against the dock. I tried to pull on the aft line to get some room, but couldn’t move the boat for the wind. Finally, I went to the port side and managed to push off the dock enough to drop a fender down. Then I went back to the aft line and took in the slack. Seemed to do the trick – no dock rubbing the rest of the night. Now, if I could just figure out how to tie up that damned halyard that keeps banging away…
So, I’m shuffling off to the showers this am and passed a dad and his little girl. She was wearing a life jacket (good job, dad) and was obviously scared of the water. She wouldn’t even put her foot in the water coming out of the tap that dad had turned on. I swear I heard him whisper to her as I passed “See, Honey, if you drink, you end up like that old rummy.”
Edit: They’re BAAAACCCCK! Just saw a Union soldier and his date from Tara (wearing, I think, the Carol Burnett special sans curtain rods). Will the belly dancers do an encore? Will Grant challenge Lee to a pissing contest? Do any of these people have lives? Enquiring minds want to know! Stay tuned as your intrepid reported pursues this hot lead! Peggy, Cindy, Mike – hold the presses. I never made a single deadline anyway!